As the first green shoots of Spring start to appear, we’re all looking forward to better weather and a gradual lifting of restrictions so we can all enjoy a happy, and healthy Summer.
As the weather starts to warm up, it’s the season for cluster flies as they start to emerge from hibernation to seek outdoor sites to lay their eggs.
Cluster flies often return to the same location year after year and so, unfortunately, if you’ve experienced a problem previously you may well suffer again.
Prevention is unrealistic for cluster flies but once this is accepted, steps can be taken to sort out the problem.
Cluster flies become a serious problem and a major pest in rural homes
Cluster flies are not filth flies but they are a can be a serious problem when they congregate in huge numbers around living quarters. A mass of cluster flies has a very strong characteristic smell and they can be a nuisance in both properties and businesses.
If you have a caravan or holiday home, you won’t want your first visit of the season to be marred by a mass of cluster flies. Whilst you can hoover up cluster flies, heavier infestations are better treated by a qualified pest controller who can use insecticides or smoke generators to remove the problem.
Proofing your home, caravan or business can also help to reduce numbers but ultimately it is very difficult to control any fly problem due to the nature of the pest. There are some steps that can be taken to try to reduce the problem such as sealing windows and other entry points.