PGM & SON Pest Control

May 206 min

How Climate Change Will Affect Pests and Diseases

Key Takeaways

  • Climate change affects pest behaviour, distribution, and population growth.

  • New pests like the Asian Hornet are expanding their range in the UK.

  • Increased pest activity threatens agriculture, food security, and public health.

  • Effective pest management requires research, innovation, and community involvement.

  • PGM & Son Pest Control is dedicated to sustainable, adaptive pest control solutions.



Climate change is influencing pest behaviour and distribution globally, including in the UK. Understanding these changes is essential for effective pest management. At PGM & Son Pest Control, we aim to stay ahead of these evolving threats and protect your home and business environment.

Climate Change and Pest Behaviour

Rising temperatures and milder winters are affecting pest behaviour:

  • Extended Activity: Pests like insects and rodents are active for longer periods. Homeowners may notice an increase in the presence of ants, spiders, and cockroaches indoors as they seek food and shelter year-round. Businesses, particularly those in the food industry, may experience more frequent pest sightings, affecting hygiene standards and customer satisfaction.

  • Survival Rates: Milder winters allow more pests to survive and reproduce. This means a higher number of pests like rats and mice making their way into homes and commercial properties, looking for warm places to nest. Increased rodent populations can cause significant damage to property and pose significant health risks.

  • Breeding Cycles: Changes in climate can lead to more frequent breeding, increasing pest populations. Mosquitoes, for example, can reproduce more rapidly in warmer conditions, potentially increasing the risk of mosquito-borne diseases. Homeowners with gardens or outdoor spaces may see a rise in mosquito activity, while businesses with outdoor seating areas could find it challenging to keep these pests at bay.

Climate change is expected to increase the prevalence and activity of various pests in the UK. Here are some specific pests likely to become more problematic due to changing climate conditions:

Asian Hornet

  • Expansion: The Asian Hornet, an invasive species, is expanding its range in the UK due to warmer temperatures. This pest poses a significant threat to local bee populations, which are crucial for pollination. Beekeepers and gardeners should be particularly vigilant.

  • Impact: The Asian Hornet can disrupt ecosystems and cause painful stings to humans, making it a concern for both rural and urban areas.


  • Increased Activity: Warmer temperatures and wetter conditions create ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. This can lead to a rise in mosquito populations, especially in areas with standing water.

  • Health Risks: Mosquitoes are vectors for diseases such as West Nile Virus and, potentially, malaria. The increased mosquito activity could pose new public health challenges.


  • Extended Range: Milder winters and warmer temperatures allow ticks to thrive and expand their range. They are more likely to be found in gardens, parks, and woodland areas.

  • Disease Transmission: Ticks are known carriers of Lyme disease, which can have serious health implications. Increased tick populations raise the risk of this disease spreading to humans and pets.

Rats and Mice

  • Higher Survival Rates: Milder winters contribute to higher survival rates for rodents like rats and mice. These pests can reproduce quickly, leading to larger populations.

  • Property Damage: Rodents can cause significant damage to homes and businesses by gnawing on electrical wires, insulation, and food supplies. They also pose health risks through their droppings and potential to carry diseases.


  • Increased Infestations: Warmer weather can lead to more frequent and larger ant infestations. Species such as the Pharaoh ant, which thrive in warmer conditions, may become more common.

  • Indoor Problems: Ants seeking food and water can invade homes and businesses, becoming a nuisance and potentially contaminating food sources.


  • Longer Seasons: Warmer temperatures can extend the wasp season, leading to larger colonies and more frequent encounters with humans.

  • Aggression: Wasps become more aggressive in late summer and autumn, increasing the likelihood of stings, which can be dangerous for those allergic.


  • Increased Activity: Spiders, particularly those that prefer warmer climates, may become more common indoors as they seek shelter and prey.

  • Health Concerns: While most UK spiders are harmless, the presence of more spiders can be unsettling for many people.


Geographical Shifts in Pest Populations

Climate change is causing pests to move into new regions:

  • New Areas: Pests such as the Asian Hornet are expanding their range in the UK. These hornets pose a threat to local bee populations, which are crucial for pollination. Gardeners and farmers might see a decrease in crop yields due to reduced pollination. Asian Hornets can also be a nuisance and danger to humans due to their painful stings.

  • Invasive Species: Warmer climates may introduce new, invasive species, threatening local ecosystems. Species like the Oak Processionary Moth can defoliate trees, impacting forestry and landscape businesses. Invasive pests can also disrupt local wildlife, leading to a loss of biodiversity and changes in the ecosystem balance.

Impact on Agriculture and Food Security

Climate change affects crops and food security by:

  • Increased Pests: Warmer temperatures favour crop pests, leading to more infestations. Farmers might struggle with pests like aphids, which can damage a wide range of crops. Increased pest pressure can lead to higher costs for pest control and lower crop yields.

  • Vulnerable Crops: Crops stressed by climate conditions are more susceptible to pests. Drought-stressed plants, for example, are more likely to be infested by pests like spider mites. This increased vulnerability can result in significant economic losses for farmers and higher prices for consumers.

  • Food Production: Higher pest activity can reduce crop yields and affect food supply. This can have a cascading effect on the entire food production chain, impacting food manufacturers, retailers, and ultimately consumers. Businesses involved in food storage and distribution must also deal with increased pest pressure, requiring more stringent pest management practices.

Health Risks and Human Diseases

Pest-related diseases are also a concern:

  • Vector-Borne Diseases: Changes in climate can increase the spread of diseases like Lyme disease, carried by ticks, and potentially malaria, carried by mosquitoes. Warmer, wetter conditions can extend the breeding season for these vectors, increasing the risk of disease transmission. Homeowners and businesses alike must be vigilant in preventing standing water where mosquitoes breed and managing vegetation where ticks thrive. It’s important to always check your pets and farm animals for ticks.

  • Public Health: New or more prevalent diseases can strain healthcare systems. Increased cases of vector-borne diseases can lead to higher healthcare costs and greater demand for medical services. Businesses, particularly those with outdoor operations or those that employ outdoor workers, need to be aware of these risks and take preventive measures to protect their employees and customers.

Challenges for Pest Control Professionals

Managing pests is becoming more complex:

  • Resistance: Pests are developing resistance to traditional pesticides. This means that methods that were once effective may no longer work, necessitating the development of new pest control strategies. Businesses involved in pest control must continually adapt to these changes, investing in research and development of new solutions.

  • Adaptation: Traditional methods may not be effective under changing climate conditions. For example, warmer winters may reduce the effectiveness of certain pest control methods that rely on cold weather to suppress pest populations. Homeowners and businesses need to be open to trying new approaches and technologies in pest management.

  • Innovation: New, climate-resilient pest control methods are needed. This includes exploring biological control options, such as introducing natural predators or using environmentally friendly pesticides. PGM & Son Pest Control is committed to staying at the forefront of these innovations to provide effective and sustainable pest control solutions.

Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies

To address these challenges, we need:

  • Research and Monitoring: Ongoing research to track pest behaviour and develop new control methods. Monitoring pest populations and their movements helps anticipate and respond to outbreaks more effectively. This proactive approach is essential for both preventing infestations and minimizing their impact when they occur.

  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Combining biological, cultural, and chemical tools for sustainable pest control. IPM focuses on long-term prevention and uses a combination of techniques to manage pest populations with minimal environmental impact. PGM & Son Pest Control integrates IPM principles to provide comprehensive and effective pest management services.

Community and Policy Implications

Effective pest management requires:

  • Community Awareness: Educating the public about pest prevention and control. Community involvement is critical for successful pest management. Homeowners and business owners should be informed about best practices for preventing infestations and the importance of reporting pest sightings, especially Asian Hornets.

  • Government Policies: Supporting research, regulation, and sustainable practices. Policies that encourage the use of environmentally friendly pest control methods and fund research into new technologies are essential. Government initiatives can also support public health campaigns and infrastructure improvements to reduce pest-related risks.

  • Collaboration: Working together with scientists, policymakers, and pest control professionals. Collaborative efforts ensure that pest management strategies are informed by the latest research and best practices. By working together, we can develop and implement more effective and sustainable solutions to the challenges posed by climate change.


In summary, climate change significantly impacts pest behaviour, geographical distribution, agriculture, food security, and public health. These changes present unique challenges for traditional pest control methods, highlighting the need for innovative, adaptive approaches. Understanding these shifts is crucial for effective pest management, which relies on continuous research, community involvement, and robust policies.

At PGM & Son Pest Control, our goal is to stay ahead of these evolving threats by embracing integrated pest management (IPM), investing in climate-resilient solutions, and fostering collaboration among policymakers, and pest control professionals. We are committed to making pest control more sustainable and effective in the face of climate change.

Join us in our mission to #makepestcontrolgreenagain by supporting continued research, innovation, and collaborative efforts. Together, we can protect our communities, agriculture, and environment from the growing challenges posed by climate change.

For more information or assistance with pest control, please visit our website or contact PGM & Son Pest Control today on 01981 540088 or email
